Payment Policy

Online Orders

Orders placed through our website should be paid up to 24 hours after receiving confirmation of your order. Failure to make payment within this timeframe will result in the order being considered invalid.

Phone or Email Orders 

For orders placed via phone or email, payment is required within 5 business days from the day of the cleaning appointment unless otherwise negotiated with our team.

Payment Delays 

If payment is delayed for more than 5 business days from the day of your appointment, the amount owed will increase by 50%. Furthermore, delays for more than 30 days will result in a price increase of 100%. 

Secure Deposit

Clean-Today reserves the right to require a secure deposit of up to 50% of the total amount for orders placed via phone or email. This deposit is intended to secure your booking and will be deducted from the final payment upon completion of the cleaning service.